Top Nine Questions Customers Have About Aircraft Engines
Although aircraft operators work for different companies and fly different makes/models of aircraft, they have the same concerns and questions when it comes to maintaining the engines.
The Duncan Intelligence is a free, technical newsletter for business aircraft owners and operators. Written in-house by Duncan Aviation's technical representatives, each edition includes technical tips and advice on topics and trends in business aviation. It is a free, monthly e-mail subscription for aviation enthusiasts around the world.
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Although aircraft operators work for different companies and fly different makes/models of aircraft, they have the same concerns and questions when it comes to maintaining the engines.
If the battery packs require replacement, Duncan Aviation has a PMA battery pack available to reduce the repair cost.
Bombardier has issued two optional Service Bulletins to upgrade the flight deck software on Global 5X00 (700-34-5030) and 6X00 (SB 700-34-6030) series aircraft. These bulletins offer features to enhance safety, operational efficiency, and cockpit performance.
Even if this isn’t your first pre-owned aircraft purchase and you’re familiar with the process, it’s crucial not to rush through the pre-purchase evaluation for the sake of quicker ownership.
When troubleshooting ENG/NAC Anti-Ice issues on G200 engines, remember that the engine does have an internal anti-ice valve in addition to the external anti-ice valve. Both valves are failed safe open and operate in a similar manner.
Even if this isn’t your first pre-owned aircraft purchase and you’re familiar with the process, it’s crucial not to rush through the pre-purchase evaluation for the sake of quicker ownership.
Operators of legacy systems such as the ATG 1000, 2000, 4000, or 5000 must prepare for Gogo’s transition to LTE technology before December 31, 2025. If the connectivity system on your aircraft is not upgraded, the inflight internet services may be disrupted.
Flight crews and maintenance personnel need to come together and discuss how and when to properly service the oil, creating a means to log the addition of oil and discussing the responsibilities of ground personnel service when the aircraft is away from home.
Honeywell recommends replacing the accessory gearbox bevel components at the same time before the engine reaches 7,000 operating hours or at first access to the affected parts.
Customers often assume failures can’t happen when they aren’t flying but talk to any of Duncan Aviation’s Satellite Shops, and we’ll confirm it’s a very common occurrence.
Corrosion on the top and bottom wing-to-winglet splice plate is still a common issue. Although awareness has improved among customers, it's a good time for a reminder.
Rigging of the Thrust Reverser system on CL-600 series aircraft can be tedious and time consuming especially if you start off on the wrong foot.
Garmin released mandatory Service Bulletin No.: 24064 Rev A on September 19, 2024, to address important updates to the flight deck software installed in Beechcraft King Air models. This SB must be complied with at the next maintenance interval or annual inspection, no later than March 31, 2025.
Intermittent flag warnings on the altimeter can be a nuisance. You never know when they are going to show up, and you're not always sure what they are about. But one thing is for certain, flag warnings should not be ignored.
As the Rollover deadline gets closer, the demand for the upgrade will get high, and the available capacity and schedules to perform the Service Bulletins will become very tight. Act Now!