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«Fall 2024

Message from Board of Directors Chairman Todd Duncan


Those of you who know me well know that not only do I love to fly, but I love to fish. Fishing is an exhilarating experience that blends patience with bursts of adrenaline. Standing on the edge of a tranquil lake or river, the anticipation builds as you cast your line into the murky depths. The thrill intensifies when a pike strikes, its powerful jaws clamping down on the bait with surprising force. The battle that ensues is a test of skill and strength, as the fish twists and turns, trying to evade capture. With each tug, there’s a rush of excitement as you carefully maneuver the fish closer to shore. Finally, as the pike breaks the surface, its sleek, greenish-brown body shimmering in the sunlight, there's a sense of accomplishment and respect for this magnificent creature.

I recently had the opportunity to paint our newest company aircraft to resemble a fish. We tell you all about it in this Duncan Debrief. What we don’t mention in the tale of how our PC-12 morphed to represent one of my favorite hobbies is that Duncan Aviation not only maintains, modifies, and refurbishes beautiful and functional aircraft inside and out, but we use them to make our business successful.

As a full-fledged business aircraft operator, we understand that aviation provides our daily business activities and travel with the advantages of time savings, flexibility, productivity, privacy, access, and safety. In addition to all the benefits of business aviation, we also understand the challenges that inevitably arise in operating an efficient and reliable flight department. We rely on aircraft to help us conduct business, and as such, we have an intimate understanding of the benefits and drawbacks from an owner/operator’s perspective.

It is with the operation of business aircraft in mind that we helped found the IADA (International Aircraft Dealers Association) to ensure integrity in aircraft sales transactions. Our aircraft operation and understanding enticed us to help a client plan a flight that took them through the path of totality of the most current US total solar eclipse this spring. And it is with the understanding and respect of the intricacies of these complicated assets that we employ highly skilled Tech Reps to share troubleshooting and technical understanding with clients and other technicians alike.

Ultimately, our unique understanding of business aviation from the perspectives of a service provider, technical advisor, industry leader, multiple OEM partner, and aircraft operator allows us to understand and better meet client needs.

Give me a call if you have ideas. I would love to hear how we can serve you even better. I’d also like to hear your best fish story.