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Bendix / King Autopilot 100/150 Series Servo Maintenance

May 2013
Servo motor 177, 178 & 179 model test set.

Bendix/King (B/K) Autopilots Service Memo No. 292 was issued to remind operators that although most of the B/K products are “on condition maintenance,” there are components within the B/K Flight Control Systems that do require routine maintenance.

B/K Autopilot models 100/150 have Servo motors 177, 178 & 179 that require a test and repair at least once a year or every 1,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first. It is a good idea to get this included in your maintenance program so that it is not overlooked. Servos will require repairs for a variety of reasons, including motors going bad, tachometers no longer accurately communicating the RPMs of the motor and enclosures requiring replacement. 

Extend the life of your servos with inspection and maintenance as needed with Duncan Aviation’s service for 177, 178 & 179 model servo motors.

If you have any questions about your Bendix / King Autopilot or servo motors, contact your Duncan Aviation Avionics Instruments Tech Rep.