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Reggie Rutley

From the United States Marine Corps to managing two Duncan Aviation Avionics Satellite Shops

A Big Leap & A Lot Of Faith


After serving 6 years in the United States Marine Corps, Reggie Rutley went back to school. In 2004, he graduated from the Spartan School of Aeronautics (now the Spartan College of Aeronautics & Technology) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Management. He’d worked as an avionics technician while he was in the Marines, and while going to school full-time, he also worked full-time for Business Jet Services in Tulsa.

He was still there when a friend he’d met through his manager at Business Jet Services called him and mentioned that Duncan Aviation had openings for technicians at their Satellite in Dallas, Texas.

“Prior to going to school, I really wasn’t all that aware of the business aviation industry,” says Reggie. “Like a lot of people, I associated a career in aviation with the commercial airlines. When I got the call, I was interested, so I met with the manager at the time, Kent Beal, and he hired me.”

Reggie started at Duncan Aviation as an Install Tech, and like many former military service members, he was amazed at the difference between private jets and military jets.

“They are simply a completely different aircraft,” laughs Reggie.

He had worked at the Satellite Shop in Dallas for 3 years when Manager of Satellite Operations Matt Nelson and Kent asked him if he’d be interested in opening a work-away station for Duncan Aviation in Austin, Texas.

“That was a big leap for me, but it helped that they both had a lot of faith in me,” says Reggie. “They’d watched how I’d integrated with the team in Dallas, and how hard I was willing to work. I went from an entry-level position in Dallas to a Crew Leader, opening a brand, new shop in 2007. It was me and 1 other team member at that time.”

A couple of years later, Reggie was made a Team Leader, and he’d grown the shop by 3 more technicians.

“In 2016, the decision was made to separate the Austin and San Antonio workaway stations from the Dallas Satellite Shop. Austin would get its own certificate, and San Antonio would be a workaway location from Austin,” says Reggie. “I was promoted to manager of both Austin and San Antonio.”

Reggie is still managing both Satellite Shops. One of the things that keeps him here at Duncan Aviation is the opportunity to uphold the company’s reputation. He wants customers to be more than satisfied with the work he and his teams have done on their aircraft.

“Customers come to us because of our reputation as the best in the business. I want to provide our customers with the best service we possibly can,” says Reggie. “It’s the thing I try to work on the most with our team, too: Provide excellent customer service!”

Another reason Reggie has made his career at Duncan Aviation is because of the support he’s received working at the company.

“I’ve always enjoyed a lot of support from Matt and from VP of Component Services & Satellites Mark Cote,” says Reggie. “Kent, too, was great when he was my manager. You just couldn’t ask for more or better support from the management at Duncan Aviation. They’ve always let me know they’re just a phone call away if we need anything.”

If he’s ever needed help and made those phone calls, Reggie is always impressed by how personable everyone is.

“It’s unique to Duncan Aviation’s culture—you get a call from the VP, and they’re so personable and friendly,” says Reggie. “I appreciate that it’s so easy to talk to them, and they make us feel comfortable going to them for the assistance we need.”

The camaraderie Reggie enjoys with his fellow Satellite Managers is something he appreciates, too.

“I’ve leaned on the other managers, and they’ve always given me the help I asked for,” says Reggie. “The Satellite Managers are a brotherhood, and everyone is so supportive. Other managers have come to me for advice, and newer managers have also asked how we do certain things. It’s gone both ways, and it’s another way to keep us all feeling connected.”

No Limits

In addition to inculcating new team members with the Duncan Aviation culture, Reggie is always quick to point out to his teams that there are always opportunities at Duncan Aviation.

“You can go from an entry-level position to whatever you work hard enough to attain. There are so many opportunities at this company, and it’s up to you to seize them when they appear,” says Reggie. “He encourages his teams to be adaptable and willing to learn. I’m proof that you can go from entry level to opening a new shop to managing 2 shops! It’s unique how Duncan Aviation trains leaders. They look within. No matter where you see yourself, if you put in the work, take advantage of the training offered, you can go anywhere.”

Reggie has taken CFC (Crucial Conversations) and LDP (Leadership Dynamics), and he’s schedule to start the MBA (Mastering Business Acumen) courses in later this spring.

“I’ve enjoyed every one of those classes and taken so much away from them,” says Reggie. “If you get the opportunity to take any of those classes, I’d say do it!”

Family Man

When he’s not working, which is kind of rare given that he’s managing 2 Satellite Shops, he tries to maximize the time he gets with his family.

“When we’re super busy, my family understands I have to prioritize work. They’ve always been supportive of my career, and they knew how demanding this business was before I started,” says Reggie.

He and his family spend their time together involved in faith-based or community-oriented service. Although Reggie was an avid mountain biker for years, he doesn’t have a chance to ride as much as he’d like.

“My wife Shauntice and I are parents to her niece Jaleah. Before we were married, Shauntice took responsibility for her 5-year-old niece, and Jaleah is now an amazing big sister to our daughter Vivian,” says Reggie. “Both girls are integral to our family.”